Special variables provide an alternate means of passing arguments to modules and functions. All user, or OpenSCAD, defined variables starting with a '$' are special variables, similar to special variables in lisp. Modules and function see all outside variables in addition to those passed as arguments or defined internally.
The value for a regular variable is assigned at compile time and is thus static for all calls.
Special variables pass along their value from within the scope (see scope of variables) from which the module or function is called. This means that special variables can potentially have a different value each time a module or function is called.
regular = "regular global"; $special = "special global"; module show() echo(" in show ", regular," ", $special ); echo (" outside ", regular," ", $special ); // ECHO: " outside ", "regular global", " ", "special global" for ( regular = [0:1] ){ echo("in regular loop ", regular," ", $special ); show();} // ECHO: "in regular loop ", 0, " ", "special global" // ECHO: " in show ", "regular global", " ", "special global" // ECHO: "in regular loop ", 1, " ", "special global" // ECHO: " in show ", "regular global", " ", "special global" for ( $special = [5:6] ){ echo("in special loop ", regular," ", $special ); show();} // ECHO: "in special loop ", "regular global", " ", 5 // ECHO: " in show ", "regular global", " ", 5 // ECHO: "in special loop ", "regular global", " ", 6 // ECHO: " in show ", "regular global", " ", 6 show(); // ECHO: " in show ", "regular global", " ", "special global"
This is useful when multiple arguments need to be passed thru several layers of module calls.
Several special variables are already defined by OpenSCAD.
The $fa, $fs and $fn special variables control the number of facets used to generate an arc:
$fa is the minimum angle for a fragment. Even a huge circle does not have more fragments than 360 divided by this number. The default value is 12 (i.e. 30 fragments for a full circle). The minimum allowed value is 0.01. Attempting to set a lower value causes a warning.
$fs is the minimum size of a fragment. The default value is 2 so very small circles have a smaller number of fragments than specified using $fa. The minimum allowed value is 0.01. Attempting to set a lower value causes a warning.
$fn is usually the default value of 0. When this variable has a value greater than zero, the other two variables are ignored, and a full circle is rendered using this number of fragments.
The higher the number of fragments, the more memory and CPU consumed; large values can bring many systems to their knees. Depending on the design, $fn values, and the corresponding results of $fa & $fs, should be kept small, at least until the design is finalised when it can be increased for the final result. A $fn over 100 is not recommended or only for specific circumstances, and below 50 would be advisable for performance.
TIP: If you want to create a circle/cylinder/sphere which has an axis aligned integer bounding box (i.e. a bounding box that has integral dimensions, and an integral position) use a value of $fn that is divisible by 4.
When $fa and $fs are used to determine the number of fragments for a
circle, then OpenSCAD never uses fewer than 5 fragments.
This is the C code that calculates the number of fragments in a circle:
int get_fragments_from_r(double r, double fn, double fs, double fa) { if (r < GRID_FINE) return 3; if (fn > 0.0) return (int)(fn >= 3 ? fn : 3); return (int)ceil(fmax(fmin(360.0 / fa, r*2*M_PI / fs), 5)); }
Or you can embed this OpenSCAD version in your code to work out what's going on, you need to set r= to your size
Spheres are first sliced into as many slices as the number of fragments being used to render a circle of the sphere's radius, and then every slice is rendered into as many fragments as are needed for the slice radius. You might have recognized already that the pole of a sphere is usually a pentagon. This is why.
The number of fragments for a cylinder is determined using the greater of the two radii.
The method is also used when rendering circles and arcs from DXF files. The variables have no effect when importing STL files.
You can generate high resolution spheres by resetting the $fX values in the instantiating module:
$fs = 0.01; sphere(2);
or simply by passing the special variable as parameter:
sphere(2, $fs = 0.01);
You can even scale the special variable instead of resetting it:
sphere(2, $fs = $fs * 0.01);
The $t variable is used for animation. If you enable the animation frame with view->animate and give a value for "FPS" and "Steps", the "Time" field shows the current value of $t. With this information in mind, you can animate your design. The design is recompiled every 1/"FPS" seconds with $t incremented by 1/"Steps" for "Steps" times, ending at either $t=1 or $t=1-1/steps.
If "Dump Pictures" is checked, then images are created in the same directory as the .scad file, using the following $t values, and with the following naming convention:
Naming Convention
Pattern 1:
Or, for other values of Steps, it follows this pattern:
Which pattern it chooses appears to be an unpredictable, but consistent determined by Steps. For example, when Steps=4, it follows the first pattern, and outputs a total of 4 files. When Steps=3, it follows the second pattern, and also outputs 4 files. It always outputs either Steps or Steps+1 files, though it may not be predictable which. When finished, it wraps around and recreate each of the files, looping through and recreating them forever.
These contain the current viewport rotation and translation and camera distance - at the time of doing the rendering. Moving the viewport does not update them. During an animation they are updated for each frame.
cube([10, 10, $vpr[0] / 10]);
which makes the cube change size based on the view angle, if an animation loop is active (which does not need to use the $t variable)
You can also make bits of a complex model vanish as you change the view.
All three variables are writable, but only assignments at the top-level of the main file has an effect on the viewport. [Note: Requires version 2015.03]
$vpr = [0, 0, $t * 360];
which allows a simple 360 degree rotation around the Z axis in animation mode.
The menu command Edit - Paste Viewport Rotation/Translation copies the current value of the viewport, but not the current $vpr or $vpt.
[Note: Requires version 2019.05]
$preview is true, when in OpenCSG preview (F5). $preview is false, when in render (F6).
This can, for example, be used to reduce detail during preview to save time, without losing detail in the final rendered result:
$fn = $preview ? 12 : 72; sphere(r = 1);
Note that the render module does not affect $preview:
render(){ $fn = $preview ? 12 : 72; sphere(r = 1); }
Another use could be to make the preview show an assembly view and the render generate just the printed parts laid out for printing.
If printed parts need extra features that are removed post printing, for example support for suspended holes, then the preview can omit these to show the finished part after post processing.
When OpenSCAD is run from the command line $preview is only true when generating a PNG image with OpenCSG. It is false when generating STL, DXF and SVG files with CGAL. It is also false when generating CSG and ECHO files. This may or may not be what you want, but you can always override it on the command line like any other variable with the -D option.
This function prints the contents to the compilation window (aka Console). Useful for debugging code. Also see the String function str().
Numeric values are rounded to 5 significant digits.
It can be handy to use 'variable=variable' as the expression to easily label the variables, see the example below.
Usage examples:
my_h=50; my_r=100; echo("This is a cylinder with h=", my_h, " and r=", my_r); echo(my_h=my_h,my_r=my_r); // shortcut cylinder(h=my_h, r=my_r);
Shows in the Console as
ECHO: "This is a cylinder with h=", 50, " and r=", 100 ECHO: my_h = 50, my_r = 100
Note that the output will not have the extra double quotes and commas if converted to a string using str().
An example for the rounding:
a=1.0; b=1.000002; echo(a); echo(b); if(a==b){ //while echoed the same, the values are still distinct echo ("a==b"); }else if(a>b){ echo ("a>b"); }else if(a<b){ echo ("a<b"); }else{ echo ("???"); }
c=1000002; d=0.000002; echo(c); //1e+06 echo(d); //2e-06
HTML output is not officially supported, however depending on the OpenSCAD version, some HTML tags were rendered in the console window.
[Note: Requires version 2019.05]
Echo can be used in expression context to print information while the function/expression is evaluated. The output is generated before the expression evaluation to allow debugging of recursive functions.
a = 3; b = 5; // echo() prints values before evaluating the expression r1 = echo(a, b) a * b; // ECHO: 3, 5 // using let it's still easy to output the result r2 = let(r = 2 * a * b) echo(r) r; // ECHO: 30 // use echo statement for showing results echo(r1, r2); // ECHO: 15, 30
A more complex example shows how echo() can be used in both descending and ascending path of a recursive function. The result() helper function is a simple way to output the value of an expression after evaluation.
Example printing both input values and result of recursive sum()
v = [4, 7, 9, 12]; function result(x) = echo(result = x) x; function sum(x, i = 0) = echo(str("x[", i, "]=", x[i])) result(len(x) > i ? x[i] + sum(x, i + 1) : 0); echo("sum(v) = ", sum(v)); // ECHO: "x[0]=4" // ECHO: "x[1]=7" // ECHO: "x[2]=9" // ECHO: "x[3]=12" // ECHO: "x[4]=undef" // ECHO: result = 0 // ECHO: result = 12 // ECHO: result = 21 // ECHO: result = 28 // ECHO: result = 32 // ECHO: "sum(v) = ", 32
Forces the generation of a mesh even in preview mode. Useful when the boolean operations become too slow to track.
Needs description.
Usage examples:
render(convexity = 2) difference() { cube([20, 20, 150], center = true); translate([-10, -10, 0]) cylinder(h = 80, r = 10, center = true); translate([-10, -10, +40]) sphere(r = 10); translate([-10, -10, -40]) sphere(r = 10); }
Surface reads Heightmap information from text or image files.
The format for text based heightmaps is a matrix of numbers that represent the height for a specific point. Rows are mapped to the Y-axis, columns to the X axis. The numbers must be separated by spaces or tabs. Empty lines and lines starting with a # character are ignored.
[Note: Requires version 2015.03]
Currently only PNG images are supported. Alpha channel information of the image is ignored and the height for the pixel is determined by converting the color value to Grayscale using the linear luminance for the sRGB color space (Y = 0.2126R + 0.7152G + 0.0722B). The gray scale values are scaled to be in the range 0 to 100.
Example 1:
//surface.scad surface(file = "surface.dat", center = true, convexity = 5); %translate([0,0,5])cube([10,10,10], center =true);
#surface.dat 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 0 0 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 6 6 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 6 6 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 6 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Example 2
// example010.dat generated using octave: // d = (sin(1:0.2:10)' * cos(1:0.2:10)) * 10; // save("example010.dat", "d"); intersection() { surface(file = "example010.dat", center = true, convexity = 5); rotate(45, [0, 0, 1]) surface(file = "example010.dat", center = true, convexity = 5); }
Example 3:
[Note: Requires version 2015.03]
// Example 3a scale([1, 1, 0.1]) surface(file = "smiley.png", center = true);
// Example 3b scale([1, 1, 0.1]) surface(file = "smiley.png", center = true, invert = true);
Example 4:
[Note: Requires version 2015.03]
// Example 4 surface(file = "BRGY-Grey.png", center = true, invert = false);
The search() function is a general-purpose function to find one or more (or all) occurrences of a value or list of values in a vector, string or more complex list-of-list construct.
Example | Code | Result |
1 |
[0] |
2 |
[] |
3 |
[[0,4]] |
4 |
[[0,4]] (see also Example 6 below) |
Example 5:
data= [ ["a",1],["b",2],["c",3],["d",4],["a",5],["b",6],["c",7],["d",8],["e",3] ]; echo(search(3, data)); // Searches index 0, so it doesn't find anything echo(search(3, data, num_returns_per_match=0, index_col_num=1));
ECHO: [] ECHO: [2, 8]
Example 6: Return all matches per search vector element.
data= [ ["a",1],["b",2],["c",3],["d",4],["a",5],["b",6],["c",7],["d",8],["e",9] ]; search("abc", data, num_returns_per_match=0);
Example 7: Return first match per search vector element; special case return vector.
data= [ ["a",1],["b",2],["c",3],["d",4],["a",5],["b",6],["c",7],["d",8],["e",9] ]; search("abc", data, num_returns_per_match=1);
Example 8: Return first two matches per search vector element; vector of vectors.
data= [ ["a",1],["b",2],["c",3],["d",4],["a",5],["b",6],["c",7],["d",8],["e",9] ]; search("abce", data, num_returns_per_match=2);
Example 9:
lTable2=[ ["cat",1],["b",2],["c",3],["dog",4],["a",5],["b",6],["c",7],["d",8],["e",9],["apple",10],["a",11] ]; lSearch2=["b","zzz","a","c","apple","dog"]; l2=search(lSearch2,lTable2); echo(str("Default list string search (",lSearch2,"): ",l2));
ECHO: "Default list string search (["b", "zzz", "a", "c", "apple", "dog"]): [1, [], 4, 2, 9, 3]"
// workout which vectors get the results v=[ ["O",2],["p",3],["e",9],["n",4],["S",5],["C",6],["A",7],["D",8] ]; // echo(v[0]); // -> ["O",2] echo(v[1]); // -> ["p",3] echo(v[1][0],v[1][1]); // -> "p",3 echo(search("p",v)); // find "p" -> [1] echo(search("p",v)[0]); // -> 1 echo(search(9,v,0,1)); // find 9 -> [2] echo(v[search(9,v,0,1)[0]]); // -> ["e",9] echo(v[search(9,v,0,1)[0]][0]); // -> "e" echo(v[search(9,v,0,1)[0]][1]); // -> 9 echo(v[search("p",v,1,0)[0]][1]); // -> 3 echo(v[search("p",v,1,0)[0]][0]); // -> "p" echo(v[search("d",v,1,0)[0]][0]); // "d" not found -> undef echo(v[search("D",v,1,0)[0]][1]); // -> 8
version() and version_num() returns the OpenSCAD version number.
$parent_modules contains the number of modules in the instantiation stack. parent_module(i) returns the name of the module i levels above the current module in the instantiation stack. The stack is independent of where the modules are defined. It's where they're instantiated that counts. This can, for example, be used to build a BOM (Bill Of Material).
module top() { children(); } module middle() { children(); } top() middle() echo(parent_module(0)); // prints "middle" top() middle() echo(parent_module(1)); // prints "top"
[Note: Requires version 2019.05]
see also Assertion (software development)
Assert evaluates a logical expression. If the expression evaluates to false, the generation of the preview/render is stopped, and an error condition is reported via the console. The report consists of a string representation of the expression and an additional string (optional) that is specified in the assert command.
assert(condition); assert(condition, message);
The simplest example is a simple assert(false);
, e.g. in a file named assert_example1.scad
cube(); assert(false); sphere(); // ERROR: Assertion 'false' failed in file assert_example1.scad, line 2
This example has little use, but the simple assert(false);
can be used in code sections that should be unreachable.
A useful example is checking the validity of input parameters:
module row(cnt = 3){ // Count has to be a positive integer greater 0 assert(cnt > 0); for (i = [1 : cnt]) { translate([i * 2, 0, 0]) sphere(); } } row(0); // ERROR: Assertion '(cnt > 0)' failed in file assert_example2.scad, line 3
When writing a library, it could be useful to output additional information to the user in case of an failed assertion.
module row(cnt = 3){ assert(cnt > 0, "Count has to be a positive integer greater 0"); for(i = [1 : cnt]) { translate([i * 2, 0, 0]) sphere(); } } row(0); // ERROR: Assertion '(cnt > 0)': "Count has to be a positive integer greater 0" failed in file assert_example3.scad, line 2
Assert returns its children, so when using it in a function you can write
function f(a, b) = assert(a < 0, "wrong a") // assert input assert(b > 0, "wrong b") // assert input let (c = a + b) // derive a new value from input assert(c != 0, "wrong c") // assert derived value a * b; // calculate