OpenSCAD, in collaboration with BRL-CAD, has again been accepted to Google Summer of Code!
Checkout the GSoC presentation for a quick overview of what the program provides and how it works.
Project suggestions have been posted to the wiki. If you’re interested in participating, please get in touch on the mailing list or IRC to discuss details and to help you get your feet wet. We’re also open to new ideas.
If you’re interested, please familiarize yourself with the requirements and application process.
Student application is open from March 12 till March 27 (16:00 UTC! – full timeline) but don’t wait for registration to open to get started! Discussing projects early is highly encuraged for improving chances of acceptance.
Suggested projects include:
- Improve DXF Import and Export
- Add support for exporting models in STEP format
- Improve text editor with new IDE style features
- OpenSCAD Standard Library
- OpenGL framework
- Persistent Caching
- Multi-threaded Geometry Evaluation
- Survey and prototype of CSG algorithms
- Issue handling and bug squashing
- Test Framework Improvements
- SVG import
- …and more