This release adds a number of features which have been in development for the last 4 years. Some of the larger program features are Customizer, which was first started as a Google Summer of Code project, and 3D input device support. The OpenSCAD language itself and standard library has seen a number of iterative improvements
The source code, as well as binaries for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux are ready for download.
As usual, thanks go to everyone who has contributed to this release through development and community management, bug reports and fixes, documentation, translation, discussions, as well as testing the development snapshots!
A summary of changes since last release follows.
The OpenSCAD Development Team
Summary of changes
Language Features
- Added assert() module and assert() function
- Added let() module
- Added ord() function
- Added echo() function
- Added type testing functions: is_undef(), is_list(), is_num(), is_bool(), is_string()
- New special variable: $preview
- List comprehension updates: if/else condition, each keyword, C-style for loop, looping over characters of a string
- rotate_extrude(): Added angle parameter
- import() now supports SVG, 3MF and AMF
- color() now supports hex color codes
Program Features
- Customizer: Allow parametrizing design parameters with GUI customization
- 3D-Mouse / Joystick / Gamepad support
- 3D Printing support: Purchase from a print service partner or print to Octoprint
- New export file formats: SVG, 3MF, AMF
- Quick-edit and preview of values using Alt-Arrows (Shift-Alt-Arrows on macOS)
- Added –view cmd-line parameter
- Play sound notification on render complete
- Revamped errors and warnings
- New translations: Ukrainian, Polish
- Removed glide() and subdiv() which were never implemented